"Russi Taylor" 共找到影视: 9 部
HotRodDogs&CoolCarCats 7


  • 已更新至7集
  • 1996  

米奇妙妙屋第一季 7


  • 已更新至132集
  • 2006  

蒙美萨的牛仔们 9


  • 已更新至26集
  • 1992  

  三名“牛”(黄牛、蓝牛和黑牛)牛仔在moo mesa惩恶扬善的故事,坏人是另一头蒙面红牛和俩跟班秃鹰、一个蓝不拉几的小矮子。另有两位可爱的牛小姐

完全美妮 3


  This live action film features a Nerd who, in desperation, goes to the "Minnie Mouse Center for the totally un-hip". There he learns how to dress, dance, and most importantly - be himself. The film features an original music video with Minnie Mouse, in new animation, integrated into live action footage with Elton John singing "Don't Go Breakin' My Heart."

米奇的精神 9


  Once in a Blue Moon, a single character comes along and makes the whole world laugh. From the moment Mickey Mouse appeared on the big screen whistling on a steamboat, Walt Disney's endearing little mouse captured hearts and tickled bones. And he hasn't stopped. Now, in celebration of the world's most famous and best-loved character, his best friends - Minnie, Donald, Goofy and ...

飞奔的大脑 1


  狂风暴雨之夜,米老鼠(Wayne Allwine 配音)的房子里传来了普鲁托(Bill Farmer 配音)不绝于耳的吠声。原来米奇正在玩一款小矮人斗巫婆的游戏,普鲁托则在一旁跳来跳去助阵。这时米妮(Russi Taylor 配音)突然造访,她用尽各种办法提醒男友马上就到了他们 的约会周年纪念日,可是米奇太过投入游戏几乎忘了这件事。为了安慰生气的女友,他信口开河要带着米妮去夏威夷旅行,结果发现这次行程需要花费999.99美元。

Yodelberg 10


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  • 语言:英语  

  Mickey longs to visit Minnie atop her mountaintop chalet but quickly realizes that the threat of avalanche has made the trek up the mountain more challenging than usual.