"Serkan Ercan" 共找到影视: 11 部
辉煌的时刻 5


  • 已更新至39集
  • 2007  

Subat 8


  • 最新更新
  • 2012  

火鸟第一季 8


  • 最新更新
  • 2023  

  Most street children do not reach the age of twenty. It cannot be said that those who made it to age twenty lived. Drugs, violence, sexual harassment, hunger… The fate of street children is either prison or grave.
  Ate Kular will highlight the fate of five of these children, the self-dubbed "Kksüzler," who managed to resist this fate. Their story, which began the day they di...

蛇的故事 7


  • 已更新至90集
  • 1999  

7月15日政变 2


减一 1


恰纳卡莱1915 10


  恰纳卡莱之战又称加里波利之战(英文:Battle of Gallipoli),又称达达尼尔战役(Dardanelles Campaign),是第一次世界大战中土耳其加里波利(Gelibolu)半岛的一场战役。它始于一个英国法国联盟的海军行动,目的是强行闯入达达尼尔海峡,打通博斯普鲁斯海峡,然后占领奥斯曼帝国首都君士坦丁堡。在土耳其此战称为恰纳卡莱之战(土耳其语:anakkale Savalari)。
  在此次登陆战中,协约国方面先后有50万士兵远渡重洋来到加里波利半岛。近十一个月的战斗后,留下约131,000死亡, 262,000受伤。这场战役是一战中最著名的战役之一,也是至当时最大的一次海上登陆作战。澳大利亚与新西兰设澳新军团节纪念4月25日登陆日期。

收费站 10


  Quiet and introverted toll booth clerk Kenan's life, a humdrum routine between the Tavsancik toll booth plaza and his home, will change the day the new operations chief comes to inspect Tavsancik.

我们的冠军 4


  The champion is a great love story between Halis Karatas and Begum Atman, who came together with the legendary race horse Bold Pilot. Adapted from a true story, the film is owned by the prominent name of Turkish horseshoe Ozdemir Atman and the Bold Pilot is a horse that won the love of even those not interested in horse racing. Bold Pilot and his permanent jockey Halis Karatas ...