"Shaun Johnston" 共找到影视: 11 部
心灵之地第一季 9


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2007  

  Heartland" Is A Canadian Television Drama Series, Which Debuted On CBC Television On October 14, 2007. The Series Is Loosely Based On The Heartland Books By Lauren Brooke. On March 7, 2008 CBC Announced The Show Will Return For A Second Season. On January 20, 2009, It Was Announced On The Heartland Blog On The Show's Official Website That The Show Has Been Renewed For A Third S...

腹地的圣诞 6


新摇篮惊魂 4


名利浮云 10


  • 已完结
  • 1998  

  U.S Postal Inspectors are called in when a suburban couple are killed by a mail bomb. Suspicion immediately falls on the couple's estranged and heavily in debt son, who also just happens to be a Navy munitions expert. But investigations reveal that he is on the run from a past event in his life that is associated with the bombings.

心灵之地第三季 8


  • 已更新至18集
  • 2009  

  A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.

触摸世界之巅 9


  埃里克 魏亨梅尔由于患有先天性的视网膜分离症,而在十三岁时彻底失明。一个偶然的机会,让他迷上了攀登,并先后征服了世界三大洲的最高峰……一次偶遇,埃里克邂逅了攀登名家PV,在他的鼓励下,埃里克决心攀登世界最高峰——珠穆朗玛峰。埃里克的妻子虽然心疼丈夫,但为了他实现一生的梦想,还是果敢地支持他向珠峰挺进。在攀登的过程中,埃里克和他的队友PV、克里斯、杰夫以及夏尔巴人昂不畏艰险、齐心协力、互相帮助,最后终于站到珠峰的顶峰,触摸到了世界之巅,埃里克也由此成为世界上第一位到达珠峰的盲人。

魂归伤膝谷 1


  • 已完结
  • 2007  

  Beginning just after the bloody Sioux victory over General Custer at Little Big Horn, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee intertwines the perspectives of three characters: Charles Eastman (Beach), né Ohiyesa, a young, Dartmouth-educated, Sioux doctor held up as living proof of the alleged success of assimilation; Sitting Bull (Schellenberg), the proud Lakota chief who refuses to subm...

九月黎明 8


  本片讲述的是19世纪一个罗密欧和朱丽叶式的爱情故事。故事以1857年9月11日发生的美洲历史上著名的高原惨案为背景,一批去往加利福尼亚的马车队路经犹他州南部,摩门教探知其中有1838年曾参与执行“清剿令”,强行将摩门教徒驱逐出密苏里州的Han's Mill惨案的凶手,随即作出复仇决定。他们暗中联合印第安人部落,对车队包围突袭,以上帝的名义击毙和处死120名男女,只有17名10岁以下儿童幸免。后来,参与指挥策划的摩门教首领John D.Lee被判死刑,20年后,摩门教领导人杨百翰的养子被判处死刑。因为电影所反应出来的观点,到今天这个事件一直饱受争议。

真正末日 6



雪地真爱密码(台湾) 3


  40 Below and Falling tells the story of Kate Carter, a teacher from a small, Northern Canadian town, who is moving back to the big city for her wedding. After quitting her job and packing up her life, Kate feels certain that this is the future she has always wanted - that is until her flight gets cancelled by a blizzard and she meets a surly stranger named Redford. With all roa...