"U2乐队" 共找到影视: 9 部
The45thAnnualKennedyCenterHonors 6


  • 最新更新
  • 2022  

  The Kennedy Center Honors celebrates the lives and careers of actor, George Clooney; singer Amy Grant; singer Gladys Knight; composer and musician Tania Leon and the Irish music band, U2, with tributes and performances.

HereIsWhatIs 3


摇滚名人堂25周年纪念演唱会 8


  • 最新更新
  • 2009  

  DVD Release Date: September 28, 2010
  Run Time: 330 minutes
  Bonus disc of extra performances, including songs from Crosby, Stills, and Nash, four more Stevie Wonder songs, full versions of "Iron Man," "Paranoid," and "(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher," the Simon and Garfunkel classic "Mrs. Robinson," U2 sharing the stage with the Black Eyed Peas, two more Jeff Beck...

从天上来 9


  In the terrain of rock bands, implosion or explosion is seemingly inevitable. U2 has defied the gravitational pull towards destruction, this band has endured and thrived. The movie From the Sky Down asks the question why.

TheWorkofDirectorAntonCorbijn 2


  ★ MV導演系列為您再推薦今年度推出的四位享譽全球MV導演當中的第三位 ANTON CORBIJN。 Anton Corbijn堪稱近25年硐碜u全球之影像藝術大師,其作品不管是平面攝影、CD封面設計、或是其為 Metallica、Nirvana、The Killer ... 等眾多知名搖L樂團所拍攝的音樂錄影帶,都曾在世界各地受到極為崇高的高度評價。 而他與全球頂禮膜拜之蹱柼m搖L天團 U2 和英Synth-Pop流行神話樂團 Depeche Mode 的長期合作關係,更是讓全球樂迷們印象深刻,而 Anton 推出的 《U2 & I》 一書更是暢銷熱賣。 近日著手拍攝第一部個人執導,改編自英國後龐克搖L名團 Joy Division 靈魂人物 Ian Curtis遺孀 Deborah Curtis 的著作 “Touching From ...

Vertigo2005:U2LivefromChicago 10


  The show was recorded over U2's two night stand in Chicago on 9 May and 10 May 2005. The May 10th gigs can be easily spotted when fans are shown holding up signs wishing Bono a happy birthday, as his 45th birthday was May 10th, and other songs don't show fans in those vicinities holding any signs.

UntitledKROQDocumentary 7


  The story of the world famous KROQ -- The radio station that programmed the world.