"Zizan Razak" 共找到影视: 6 部
大哥法迪勒2 10


  story about Fadil who fall into mafia world led by Taji Samprit and his son Wak Doyok. An incident causes Inspector Wahab and Inspector Shuib to suspect Fadil as Tiger, a professional assassin.

AI.5YA第一季 10


  • 最新更新
  • 2022  

壁虎侠3 3


  Set after 7 years of the event of Cicakman 2: Planet Hitam. Cicakman, the former superhero of Metrofulus had disappeared with people claiming Cicakman is dead or has retired. In his absence, the new superhero known as SuperBro has emerged and become the former defender of Metrofulus.

球发财 4


  MALIK和CHIN CHYE发现他们在与时间赛跑,自从他们大胆承诺帮高利贷收买在马拉西亚vs泰国的足球比赛中出场的当地球员。《球发财》由马来西亚喜剧组合阿牛和山姆(Sam Shaheizy)联手打造。被我国观众熟知的歌手阿牛近年来活跃于东南亚影坛,《球发财》中有着精彩的表演,与另一位马来西亚主演山姆(Sam Shaheizy)之间的表演组合,有着东南亚“黄渤徐峥组合”的影坛地位。

特警威龙2 8


  Inspector Sani and Khai are now involved in a snooping mission on a remote island on the east coast. The atmosphere turned turbid when a group of terrorists headed by Hafsyam Jauhari attacked and captured the island. Sani was detained by the terrorists along with 200 hostages, while Khai was trapped in the village area. Sani tried to fight the head of the terrorist group from w...