"埃里克·克莱普顿" 共找到影视: 40 部
鲍勃·迪伦:三十周年纪念演唱会 2


  • 最新更新
  • 1992  

  1992年10月16日,为庆祝Bob Dylan进入歌坛三十周年的一场纪念演唱会在纽约麦迪逊广场展开,吸引了超过一万八千人的观众前往观赏。参与演出的歌者包括有:John Mellencamp、盲人歌手 Stevie Wonder 、The Velvet Underground主唱Lou Reed、Pearl Jam 的 Eddie Vedder 和 Mike Mccready、黑人民谣歌手Tracy Chapman、Johnny Cash 与妻子 June Carter Cash(Johnny 在’69年 Dylan 的专辑封面提了一首诗,而得到了葛莱美奖「Best Album Note」的殊荣)、老牌乡村乐手 Willie Nelson 、另外一位横跨电影与音乐的乡村艺人 Kris Kristofferson、来自德州的已故蓝调吉他英雄Stevie...

走进奶油乐队1966-1969 1


杰夫·贝克:前行不辍 10


  Documentary on the life and musical evolution of Jeff Beck, one of most innovative guitarists in history. The film covers his early days, his tenure with The Yardbirds and The Jeff Beck Group, and his subsequent projects over the decades. Includes interviews with icons such as Jimmy Page, David Gilmour, Rod Stewart, Ron Wood, Slash, and Joe Perry.

比吉斯:如何修复受伤心灵 6



曾经是兄弟:罗比·罗伯特森与乐队 10



红,白,蓝调 5


最安静的家伙 4


  THE QUIET ONE offers a unique, never before revealed and behind the- scenes look at the highs and lows of the life and career of Bill Wyman, former founding member of the Rolling Stones and renaissance man of rock and roll.

埃里克·克莱普顿:12小节中的一生 4


  A look at the life and work of guitarist Eric Clapton told by those who have known him best, including BB King, Jimi Hendrix, and George Harrison.

EricClaptonPlanesTrainsandEric 3


  Eric Clapton is one of the most revered and influential guitarists of all time. From his early days with the Yardbirds, through John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, Cream, Blind Faith, Derek And The Dominos and on to his solo career he has had consistent critical and commercial success. "Planes, Trains And Eric" follows Eric Clapton and his band on the Far and Middle Eastern leg of his...

12-12-12 9


  A behind-the-scenes look at the televised benefit concert to raise relief funds for victims of Hurricane Sandy in 2012.

EricClapton:24Nights 6


不插电演唱会:埃里克·克莱普顿 5


  • 最新更新
  • 1992  

  Eric Clapton漫长的音乐历程与居高不坠的名声有一半来自现场精湛的吉他表演,进入九十年代后的第一张专辑就是他1990-91年间于伦敦皇家亚伯厅的多场现场实况纪实《24 Nights》,当然在此之前他已经发行过将近十套的现场专辑,Eric Clapton喜欢现场即兴表演由此证明。
  1991年3月老来得子的Eric Clapton痛失骨肉,年仅4岁的Conor从窗户失足坠楼,这个打击几乎让他再度一蹶不振,不过将近50岁的Eric Clapton将他思念之苦寄情歌中,于是产生Tears In Heaven这首歌,它首先被收录于电影《Rush》的原声带中,这也是Eric Clapton全程参与的配乐作品。

乔治·哈里森纪念演唱会 10


  • 最新更新
  • 2003  

  THE CONCERT FOR GEORGE is currently playing in theatres. (This is being written in October, 2003.) I believe the DVD will include this version with other material, but, since that won't be out until November, I'm only commenting on what's being seen in movie theatres. This is a film of a memorial concert. George Harrison's colleagues and friends gathered at the Royal Albert Hal...

谨防贝克先生 4


  在Ginger Baker之前,著名的鼓手都是凭着其乐队的名声而显赫起来的,比如披头士的Ringo Starr。而Ginger Baker则纯粹是靠自己的实力才声名鹊起的。人们是这样评价他的:一个爵士鼓手的灵魂附在了一个布鲁斯摇滚乐手的身上。他巧妙地把摇滚乐迷能够接受的爵士灵感融入到了强劲有力的摇滚节奏当中。在众多不同乐队中经历让他风格趋向多元化,摇滚史上是他第一个在唱片里打了13分钟的solo(“Toad”)。本片中Baker将回顾他的音乐生涯和人生故事。