"布鲁·欧吉尔" 共找到影视: 61 部
Ledésordreavingtans 5


遥远的土地 5


横渡欲望 2


  What was your first desire What did you long for most Arielle Dombasle put these questions to a collection of famous people.

巴黎之谜:重访雅克·里维特的《出局》 3


  2015 saw the the digital restoration of Jacques Rivette’s magnum opus OUT 1 (1971) and its revival both in theaters and on Blu-ray and DVD. To coincide with this event, filmmakers Robert Fischer and Wilfried Reichart interviewed cast and crew members and revisited some of the film’s most significant locations. THE MYSTERIES OF PARIS: JACQUES RIVETTE’S OUT 1 REVISITED features...

尊敬的W 5


  我佛慈悲,普渡众生;万人信奉的缅甸高僧维拉图,弘扬的佛法却是顺我者生,逆我者亡。菩提树下修行出孽魔恶道,端坐权力祭坛,右手支颐高举和平公义,左手捏指挑起反伊斯兰仇恨,煽动种族清洗罗兴亚人。佛光昭昭下生灵涂炭,令番红花革命染上血色,昂山素姬的民主光环幻灭。始于《独裁者阿敏的自画像》(1974),续于《魔鬼大状》,施罗德终以「佛教恐怖面相」 的曼陀罗完成「邪恶轴心」三部曲。人在做,天在看, 无畏无惧以镜头直视邪恶本相:心若囚笼,苍生难渡。

伯纳黛特和上帝创造了自由的女人 5


  A journey with Bernadette Lafont, the most atypical French film actress. The film sweeps her life and stunning artistic career.
  Her granddaughters go back to Bernadette's dreams and her friends Bulle Ogier and Jean-Pierre Kalfon evoke their artistic and human complicity.
  Throughout the film Bernadette Lafont with her unmistakable voice of character actress weaves the movie of h...

守夜者雅克·里维特 2



巴黎不见了 10


  Before Le Pont du Nord Rivette films Paris s'en va, a short film of approximately 25 minutes. He works with the same actors and the same technical team on both films. Henry Chapier who produced the short: "At the beginning of the '80s nobody was interested in Rivette's highly imaginative project Le Pont du Nord. Therefore Rivette came up with a kind of 'transposition' of the th...

WeieReise 6


  One of Werner Schroeter's most important and inventive works, this threadbare evocation of Jean Genet's notorious Querelle depicts the erotic adventures of two sailors through the world's seaports in the manner of a cut-rate silent movie.

奇迹蒙费梅伊 8


  让娜·巴利巴尔将执导她的第二部全新影片[奇迹蒙费梅伊](Merveilles à Montfermeil,暂译),朗齐·贝迪亚、艾曼纽·贝阿([八美图])、马修·阿马立克、布鲁·欧吉尔等主演,故事围绕夫妻丘耶勒(让娜·巴利巴尔饰)、卡迈勒(朗齐·贝迪亚饰)展开,他们是蒙费梅伊市一项**活动的主要策划人,该项活动旨在采取措施保证人民生活等方方面面满意度,很显然这项措施非常有成效。但是殊不知这对夫妻却陷入离婚中,他们生活不如意,而且两人更是喜欢上了各自的约会对象。该片将在5月28日到7月7日展开拍摄。

北方的桥 8


  In this unreal walk through the streets of Paris, Marie (Bulle Ogier), a woman convicted of robbing a bank is just out from prison when she runs into Baptiste (Pascale Ogier) a young paranoid needing companionship, and the two team up for awhile. Marie's former boyfriend (Pierre Clementi) supplies them with a strange map of the city, suspicious because he keeps files on politic...

第三代 9


  • 已完结
  • 1979  


Goldflocken 3


  Quatre histoires, Cuba , Drame du rail , Cur brisé et La trahison , encadrées par un prologue et un épilogue, exaltent la sensualité des corps et la beauté des visages.
  Le film préféré de Werner Schroeter, qui mit beaucoup de temps à voir le jour et subit de nombreuses coupes.
   La séquence en noir et blanc de Flocons d'or dans laquelle je joue, est, je pense, la ...

我的戏剧 7
