"阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克" 共找到影视: 170 部
请君入瓮 7


  John Bedford is suspected of being the murderer of his wealthy aunt, Miss Ferguson, but the police are unable to break his alibi. Now, exactly two years after the crime, a retired Scotland Yard investigator named William Brent, puts together a plan that he hopes will make the nephew confess. Brent invites the young man to a dinner in the home that once belonged to the late aunt...

善良的女招待 1


赫曼太太与费尼莫太太 8


  Poor widow Billy Herman plans to speed the demise of the wealthy uncle who lives with her in Boston. A comely new female boarder quickens the hearts of both the niece and the elderly misanthrope. The new tenant, a struggling actress, is perfect casting for the crucial role in the gaslight era murder melodrama the niece has plotted for so long.

AlfredHitchcockPresents:TheCanarySedan 8


  Laura Bowlby is a psychic who wants to visit her husband in Hong Kong. She is picked up by a chauffeur in a black sedan. Laura Bowlby says she does not like the color and would prefer a canary yellow one instead. This remark shocks the driver since the car was once canary yellow before a recent paint job. Inside the car, Laura begins to hear a woman's voice. The voice tells Lau...

最佳房屋 2


  Mr. Waterbury in interested in buying a high priced house. Sadie Grimes, the house's owner, invites Waterbury in for a drink. She says the price is nonnegotiable. The place has strong sentimental value for Sadie: her son was killed there over a mysterious bag that has since never been found. She believes the bag contained money which is hidden somewhere in the house. Waterbury ...

佩斯丽小姐的猫 10


  Miss Paisley adopts a stray cat. She names him Stanley. Stanley sneaks into the room of the violent tempered Mr. Rinditch. He tells Miss Paisley to keep the cat out of his room, but she fails. The cat sneaks into his apartment and Rinditch kills it. When Miss Paisley finds out, she grabs a knife to kill Rinditch, but she has second thoughts. She sits down and falls asleep. In t...

死刑之夜 7


  D.A. Warren Selvey learns that he's on bad political ground because of his low conviction rate. He decides to vigorously prosecute a man named Rodman. He wins the murder case and Rodman is sentenced to die. After the sentence, however, Selvey meets a man named Barnes who claims to have committed the crimes. Selvey is now being considered a candidate for Congress. Fearing the re...

致命的 1


  A plumber is blackmailing several suburban housewives. When he confronts his latest victim, Margot Brenner, he runs into a dead end. She catches onto his scam and uses his own method to bring him to down.

沉默的证人 1


  Donald Mason is a married professor who wants to end a romance with one of his students. He stops by while she is babysitting. He tries to end the relationship, but she threatens to expose him. He kills her and leaves a witness: the screaming baby she was watching. Later, Mason runs into the infant in a carriage on the street. At the sight of him the baby screams and cries. Hau...

最后一英里 10


  In the midst of a heated quarrel, a man lifts up the fireplace poker in his hand and brings it down on his wife, who drops to the floor. She's dead. The man puts her body in the trunk of his car and drives off, hoping to find somewhere to dispose of it. If he thought his wife was a nag, she'll seem like sweetness and light compared to a motorcycle cop, who stops him and insists...

布兰查德先生的秘密 6


  The kooky Babs Fenton's imagination is a great asset when writing murder mysteries. But it does not foster peace and harmony in the home, especially not when she has an unimaginative corporate lawyer for a husband. Her overstimulated mind begins working on her new next-door neighbors, the Blanchards, when she realizes she's never seen Mrs. Blanchard. And Mr. Blanchard seems les...

玫瑰花园 6


  The cab driver taking Mr. Vinton to his destination is surprised to see he has business with Miss Julia Pickering and not her sister, Miss Cordelia. Miss Cordelia, aka Mrs. Welles, has her sister under her thumb. He's even more surprised to find that Miss Julia has written a book that Mr. Vinton wants to publish. When Mr. Vinton arrives at the elderly sisters' magnolia-scented ...

AlfredHitchcockPresents:Jonathan 1


  Gil Dalliford has an unnaturally close relationship to his father, whom he calls by his first name, Jonathan. "Every important moment of my life is a moment I had with Jonathan," he says. But after eighteen years of being a widower, Jonathan finds he's ready to settle down with a new wife. Before Gil even meets her, he declares his everlasting hatred for her. And that hatred on...

AlfredHitchcockPresents:AlibiMe 4


  Georgie Minnelli confronts Lucky Moore, his old childhood enemy, for interfering in his pinball machine racket. Georgie waves a gun in Lucky's face, but Lucky isn't intimidated. A cop named Larkin has just been made lieutenant, and Larkin vowed long ago that if either of these hated rivals turns up dead, the other had better have a good alibi. Georgie couldn't possibly get away...