"北印度语 Hindi" 共找到影视: 249 部
IshqKeRang 5


卡佳拉 6


打击犯罪 9


  基山警官(Jackie Shroff)和他的弟弟拉胡尔(Harish)在印度孟买过着中产阶级的生活。他爱上了曼特里的女儿卡维塔,丁达亚尔·卡鲁,而拉胡尔则爱上了妮娜。这座城市正被拉纳·容·巴哈杜尔(Rana Jung Bahadur)等腐败政客勒索赎金,他们公开与乔拉西亚(Chaurasia)、拉杰什瓦尔(Rajeshwar)和他的兄弟兰克什瓦尔(Lankehwar)等黑帮分子和犯罪头目交往。但是,当Chaurasia决定占据更大的黑社会市场份额时,一场帮派战争爆发了。当基山探长试图逮捕Chaurasia时,他得到了他的上级ACP的警告。拉胡尔随后目睹了Chaurasia的暴徒苏利亚犯下的一起谋杀案,但在他能做任何事情之前,他自己就被杀了。愤怒的基山去杀苏利亚,但被暴徒阻止。尼娜的病患上了抑郁症,然后去世了。就在那时,现已从警察部队停职的基山发誓要为...

黑白斗争 5


  维克兰特(Rahul Dev)和古拉布·卡特里(Akshay Kumar )是互相憎恨的姐夫,只有通过维克兰特的父亲[他也是黑手党的黑社会头目]才维持一种不稳定的和平。但当他去世后,复仇心切的维克兰特用古拉布的手陷害谋杀了一名政客,迫使古拉布逃往美国。古拉布希望重建他的生活,但这个想法是依然作为他的邻居阿加利亚(Aftab Shivdasani )知道以后为了奖励,对警方提供了线索,古拉布·卡特里被迫使卷土重来,东山再起导致整个家族的灭亡。

谋杀“2001” 10


  随着应召女郎朱莉在孟买被残忍地杀害,两名警察督察,即Anil Sharma和Rajat Bedi,被指派去调查并将罪犯绳之以法。Anil & Rajat注意到,凶手在受害者身上留下了“2001”的标记。阿尼尔了解到,住在朱莉房间里的人是一位著名的州议会议员拉马斯瓦米,他想把他列为嫌疑人。朱莉的死之后,又发生了更多类似的杀人事件,被杀的有萨卡里和卡加尔,还有一个叫克里希纳·拉奥的男人。后来拉马斯瓦米自己也遭到袭击,但他活了下来,住进了医院。当他恢复意识一小段时间后,他指责Rajat,然后又复发了。为了不冒任何风险,警察局长马利克将拉贾特软禁起来。然后Anil偶然发现了一些证据,证明这起谋杀与Malik本人有关,而Rajat开始收集不利于Anil的证据。问题是,凶手是这些警察中的一员吗如果是,是哪一个,或者这三个人都与这些可怕的死亡有关

飓风的愤怒 8


  刑事侦察大队大队长戴夫·马尔霍特拉(Sunil Shetty)的任务是将想要暗杀总理拉杰万什·沙希特里的人绳之以法。他对很多人都有怀疑,但由于证据不足,无法下手。他的战争继续,当他遇到他的另一个同事-一个女性CID Komal,在她的帮助下,他找到了Mahendra Pratap Gujral别名苏拉吉辛格是罪犯-谁也是他的生父。

扑灭犯罪团伙 2


  监狱长加洛·兰克什瓦尔(Danny Denzongpa)监狱内服刑的一些杀手,利用他们进行犯罪活动,最终回到监狱并获得安全。此事得到了ACP警务督长阿马尔·艾格尼霍特力(Mohan Joshi )的注意。在他的推荐下,警察阿琼·辛格(Sunil Shetty )被派去加洛·兰克什瓦尔管辖的监狱当囚犯。阿琼的职责是监视监狱里是否有任何犯罪活动,很快阿琼就会发现自己被困住了,因为没有人是他们声称的那样。在监狱里,阿琼发现阿玛尔被杀了,他变成了一个真正的罪犯。

BolRadhaBol 1


  Kishan Malhotra finds his life turned upside down, when he returns home one day to find that his place has been taken over by a look-alike imposter. When he attempts to assert his identity, no one including his very own mother, or even his dog, believes him. The only person he can trust now is a young lady named Radha, and together they embark on a task of finding out the truth...

PremDeewane 3


  Radha (Pooja Bhatt) and Manohar (Vivek Mushran) love each other and want to get married, but Radha's dad (Ashok Saraf) does not approve of their marriage as Manohar comes from a poor family. He instructs Radha not to leave the house, but Radha finds a way to escape and goes to Manohar's house. Anticipating more obstacles, they run away, guided by Radha's uncle Natwarlal(Prem Ch...

鲜血和汗水 7


Aatma 7


完美的恋人 10


  Sagar is a popular singer, and since he is a bachelor, he is always mobbed by young women wherever he stages his shows. On one such show in Srinagar, he meets with beautiful Sapna Narang, and after a few misunderstandings, both fall in love with each other. But Sapna's dad, Pran, has other plans for her, and wants her to marry someone of his choice. In this way both lovers are ...

爱的人 6


  Sanjay Verma is an eligible young man, who has been having hallucinations of a past life as Shantanu. He travels to a small community and meets with Sonia Verma, and recognizes her as the girl named Lachi in his hallucinations. Convinced, that they were lovers from a past life, he attempts in vain to impress this upon Sonia, who is engaged, and is to be married to Vikram Maloch...