"卢旺达语" 共找到影视: 12 部
我上次出生 7


  'I Have Seen My Last Born' is about Rwanda in transition from its difficult and violent past towards development, seen through the life of a man who juggles the roles of father and a son, between the city and the village.
  Marking their first directorial work in Rwanda since the award-winning narrative film, Munyurangabo, I Have Seen My Last Born tells the story of Jean Kwezi, a...

自由日 4


心灵重负 10


  一些人在水桶中清洗骨头,一个失去双腿的妈妈白天在教堂祈祷,晚上回家和她的孩子们在一起,深夜则独自一人,被无尽的黑暗包围。村民围聚在烛光中,怀念他们的爱人。一些人哭了,但大多数人没有。17年前,许许多多生活在卢旺达的图西人和拥护和平的胡图人没有活下来。来自芬兰的Iris Olsson和来自卢旺达的Yves Niyongabo制作的影片SYDMENI TAAKKA (BURDEN OF MY HEART),讲述了一百多天地狱般屠杀过后必须继续生活的幸存者。影片也聚焦在下一代人身上,人们期待他们在废墟之中重建和平。影片制作者静静描述了不同的人生故事,摄像机前的人们,没有被限定在一个局的空间内。制作者走近,但不打扰。该影片获得2011年莱比锡纪录片节青少年评审团大奖。

海王星霜冻 6



灰色材质 7


  Balthazar is a young African filmmaker on the brink of directing his first project, The Cycle of the Cockroach, a fictional story about a young woman who survived unspeakable atrocities only to find herself committed to the same mental institution as a man driven insane by the crimes he perpetrated during the war. Potential funders for the film insist the themes are too bleak a...

卢旺达:伤疤会永远消失吗? 1


  In 1994, the small African country of Rwanda was awash in blood. Extremists in the majority Hutu-controlled government organized a systematic genocide of Rwanda's minority Tutsi population. In just 100 days, more than 800,000 were killed. The atrocity was halted a decade ago, but for Rwandans the ordeal does not yet have an ending. Today, the physical scars sustained by survivo...

100天 6


  A local Hutu official is persuaded to implement the government's policy against the Tutsi: To completely wipe them out. Josette, a beautiful young Tutsi girl struggles to survive the killing by taking refuge in a church, supposedly protected by the UNO forces. Meanwhile, Josette's brother is hunted down and murdered and her boyfriend rescued by the rebels. But the Hutu Catholic...

尼罗河圣母 8


  “Where do our tears come from Some say they are the sap of our suffering and our broken hearts. Others say our tears are the waters of innocence, to cleanse the land of a Thousand and One Hills.”
  Rwanda, 1973: high up in the mountains, at the source of the Nile, a black statue of the Virgin Mary watches over a Catholic boarding school for girls. Here, during days filled with c...

基加利的鸟儿在歌唱 3



银花公主 9



四月某时 7


  • 已完结
  • 2005  

  《四月的某时》(Sometimes in April)——描写西方世界没有参与调停的1994年卢旺达大屠杀的悲惨影片,加入了柏林电影节的竞赛单元,是为期11天的电影节中两部关于此暴行的影片之一。与特里乔治的《卢旺达饭店》关注的是同一背景和题材,拉乌尔佩克却以不同的途径展示了内战的创伤。这两部影片和《卡雅利沙的卡门》可看出南非电影的升温。 浓笔重彩描绘出大屠杀血腥场面的《四月的某时》,比起同一题材的展映影片《卢旺达酒店》(Hotel Rwanda),具有绝对的震慑力。
  出生在海地的导演和人权积极分子拉乌尔-佩克(Raoul Peck)说,启用仍然对那场灾难记忆犹新的卢旺达人当临时演员,...