"意第绪语" 共找到影视: 67 部
L'ChayimHadashim 1


  This is one of Palestine's earliest sound films and part of a larger campaign to encourage settlement and investment in "the Jewish homeland." Land of Promise emphasizes secular accomplishments and portrays Zionist settlers with considerable cinematographic and editorial skill. Punctuated by evocative close-ups, this part-documentary, part-travelogue, part-message film shows Pa...

沉默如鱼 6


Еврей 4


  Late 1940s. Mikhail Krasnitsky leads a quiet life near Rostov with his beloved wife Riva. When the firstborn of Michael and Riva dies, the hero takes it as a sign from above. Under the pretext of business trips, the hero begins to travel around the cities of the USSR, where, in cold blood, for an unclear reason, he commits murders. Investigator UGRO captain Smolov manages to co...

致妈妈的一封信 9


  One of the last Yiddish films made in Poland before the Nazi invasion, this film tells the story of a mother's persistent struggles to support her three children in pre-war World War II Polish Ukraine. After her family is pulled apart by severe poverty and the turmoil of war, she and her children make their way to New York and turn to the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society for help.

TheLightAhead 7


  à la fin du XIXe siècle, une épidémie de cholera éclate dans le petit village de Glubsk, parce que des jeunes filles se sont baignées dans un cours d'eau pollué.
  Film restauré par le National Center for Jewish Film

ésahalottakújraénekelnek... 10


  Judit Elek’s oeuvre doesn’t consist of films alone. There are also some books – not many, but all of great importance and value. An early novella aside, these books are usually documentation that provide the historical materials several of her main works are based on, above all the trial against Ignác Martinovics in The Trial of Martinovics and the Hungarian Jacobins (1981), an...

离经叛道 3


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2020  


浴血黑帮第一季 9


  • 已完结
  • 2013  

  《浴血黑帮》讲述了战后伯明翰地区传奇黑帮家族Peaky Blinders的故事。时间要追溯到1919年,家族成员有一大嗜好,就是将剃刀刀片缝进他们帽子的帽檐之间,这也是“剃刀党”的名称由来。斯里安·墨菲将饰演一名残酷的黑帮份子Tommy Shelby ,是家族兄弟的领袖,嗜血无情。在那个时代,退伍军人、革命者和罪犯,都在社会底层挣扎生存。而当贝尔法斯特的警方负责人开始介入时,Tommy和他的黑帮势力制造出的恐怖统治开始了倾斜。

追寻记忆的痕迹 3


  AUF DER SUCHE NACH DEM GEDCHTNIS (orig. IN SEARCH OF MEMORY) erzhlt die Lebensgeschichte von Eric Kandel, dem Nobelpreistrger für Medizin und einem der bedeutendsten Hirnforscher des 20. Jahrhunderts. Nach der Flucht 1939 aus seinem Heimatland sterreich und der Emigration nach Amerika, studierte er sterreichische Literatur, wurde spter Psychoanalytiker und Mediziner und i...

三分钟——超展开 8



意第绪语诗人的生命与诗歌 9


  The incredible story of Avraham Sutskever, the greatest Yiddish poet, who saved manuscripts from the Nazis, survived WWII due to Stalin's special rescue plane, testified in the Nuremberg Trials, and died anonymously in Tel Aviv.

M先生 6


  演员梅纳赫姆·朗小时候拥有金嗓子,但童年都是被性侵的回忆,家乡竟是以色列贝内贝拉克──极端正统犹太教徒聚居地。他一边歌颂上帝,一边忍受伤害,成年后才敢逃离伤心地。法国女导演苏柏曼跟随他重返家乡,寻找曾侵犯他的长辈,创伤的心灵可会得到愈合。片名呼应弗烈兹朗的《M》(1931) ,向孩子下手的人,总是以爱之名,梅纳赫姆·朗并非个别例子。而他不只要控诉,更想跟家乡及父母重归于好。获罗迦诺电影节评审团特别奖。

HolyWoman 9
