"拉脱维亚语" 共找到影视: 110 部
红梅茨 3


  • 已更新至12集
  • 2019  

  Homeland love, spies and betrayal. On true events based drama about the national m.77mi.cc resistance movement in Latvia after the Soviet occupation.

塔林→加里寧格勒穿梭巴 10


安涅尔 2


  Annia (28) lives in Riga and always is in a process and finding her own way, expressing herself in multiple roles. She works as a show manager at The New Riga Theatre, but later she needs to find out how to be unemployed. She teaches tap dance in her own studio, and a great part of her life is to be Dr. Clown in Children’s clinical hospital

被月亮烧焦 10


  Gifted artist Raul has been stuck in a wheelchair for 15 years due to his life choices and his paintings have been the only way to express his feelings and desperation

Mājas 9


  The camera stands in a house, the lens pointing through the window, outdoors, where the occupants of the home are standing. They respond patiently to the camera operator’s directions: a small step to the left, a little bit forward, no, back just a bit, yes, that’s perfect. Dozens of people pose in this way for a full minute. There’s a man who lives alone, a large family, an old...

Разговорскоролевой 1


  Vija Artmane in a zenith of her fame and a woman with worked hands. An actress without makeup and without acting.

Muris 3


  An archive photo from 1940 forms the starting point for an exploratory journey along the border between Latvia and the USSR, or today between the European Union and Russia. Navigating from one side of this line to the other, two opposing visions of the world are revealed.

Pa-saulesskaa 5


Pēdējātempahronikas 1


机枪兵的星座 8


  One of the first films, made during the Soviet times, which talks honestly about the complicated history of the Latvian people. During World War I, inspired by the idea of a free and independent Latvia, about 60, 000 men volunteered for the battalions of riflemen. At the time when the film was made – the beginning of the 80-ties – about 300 were still alive, aged from 80 to 100...

祖国·后记 6


  "Крестный путь - послесловие" - продолжение первого фильма. 13-20 января 1991-го года в Вильнюсе и Риге.
  Трагические события января 1991 года развернулись в латвийской столице уже после принятия Сеймом Декларации о восстановлении государственной независимости Латвийской республики (ЛР). В стране на какое-то время воцарилось двоевластие: действовали все структуры СССР, а парламе...

EscapingRiga 5


  Two young boys are forced to escape their native city of Riga. Later these same boys turn out to be among the most extraordinary personalities of the previous century: one becomes a leading commie film director and the other a mentor to the entire British Empire. This story will reveal the secrets of the remarkably parallel lives between Sergei Eisenstein and Isaiah Berlin.

Ozols 5


白铃花 3
