"波斯語" 共找到影视: 8 部
《特写》远景 4


  Hossain Sabzian and some of his associates discuss his character, his life-long obsession with cinema and his attitude towards the film he starred in, Close-Up (1990).

库尔德人萨德 10


德黑兰的黄昏 10


  陶輝 (中國,生於1987年)是於北京生活和工作的影像藝術家。他的作品往往是用抒情和感性的手法指涉各種社會結構的生成,并深刻地詮釋身處其中的個體處境。

石榴与甘蔗 7


  Hunting for interesting elements for a play, a photographer meets an old man, who has just had a heart attack He tries to save the man's life. In an effort to determine the old man's identity, he is confronted with the old man nostalgic memories.
  - Written by Anonymous

Rahai 1


  The film tells a story about boys who set goldfish free into the sea.

爸爸心海底針 8


  伊朗**規定女性不得進入足球場,和父親約好看球的希芭,只能喬裝成男人,沒想到父親沒帶她去球場,而是來到咖啡館。他們敞開真誠的對話,原來父親一直有個秘密,他打算從今天開始用真實的身分活著......。2019 年伊朗女性起身反抗「足球禁令」,導演哈瓦里將此社會氛圍納入片中,帶來雙重隱喻又堅毅動人的父女告白。

GoinguptheStairs 7


  Akram, an illiterate Iranian woman, discovered her talent quite by chance at the age of 50, when she was helping her grandson with his homework. She was married off at the age of nine to the then 28-year-old Heydar. When her authoritarian spouse is out, Akram paints as if her life depends on it. But then her "hobby" is discovered and an exhibition of her work is organized in Pa...