"索马里语" 共找到影视: 15 部
Kullankaivajat 8


  Golden Land closes in on Mustafe and his family, who, after 25 years in Finland, decide to go back to Somaliland after it's revealed that the land they own – or, rather, what it is hiding – may change their lives forever.

Q的理发店 10


邻居阿布迪 5


  How can you understand a violent past Somali-born Abdi is furniture designer and support worker. He reenacts his life, marked by war and criminality, with the help of his neighbor and filmmaker Douwe. By means of playful reconstructions in a special effects studio, Abdi and Douwe embark on a candid and investigative journey through a painful history, focusing on the creative p...

红海行动 10


  • 电影解说
  • 2018  

  中东国家伊维亚共和国发生政变,武装冲突不断升级。刚刚在索马里执行完解救人质任务的海军护卫舰临沂号,受命前往伊维亚执行撤侨任务。舰长高云(张涵予 饰)派出杨锐(张译 饰)率领的蛟龙突击队登陆战区,护送华侨安全撤离。谁知恐怖组织扎卡却将撤侨部队逼入交火区,一场激烈的战斗在所难免。与此同时,法籍华人记者夏楠(海清 饰)正在伊维亚追查威廉·柏森博士贩卖核原料的事实,而扎卡则突袭柏森博士所在的公司,意图抢走核原料。混战中,一名隶属柏森博士公司的中国员工成为人质。为了解救该人质,八名蛟龙队员必须潜入有150名恐怖分子的聚集点,他们用自己的信念和鲜血铸成中国军人顽强不屈的丰碑!

Godkacirka 6


菲利普船长 10


  • 已完结
  • 2013  

  2009年,美国货轮“马士基·阿拉巴马”号在船长理查德·菲利普(汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks 饰)的带领下执行在非洲角区域的货物运输任务。该次任务的航线途径海盗猖獗的索马里地区海域。虽然菲利普船长和船员都进行过抗击海盗的训练和演习,但是他们完全没有料到在启程不久就遭遇了四名索马里海盗的登船袭击。菲利普船长在保护船员和货物的搏斗中不幸被海盗劫为人质并带离货船。美国海军等部门接到情报后立即展开大规模营救菲利普船长的行动。

我父母会来看我吗 9


  What would he like for his last meal, the female prison guard wants to know. “Meat and a Coke”, the young inmate replies. Familiar with the prescribed procedures, she accompanies him through his final day. It is a difficult walk, towards the inevitable. “Will my parents come to see me” he asks quietly.

掘墓人的妻子 9


  It’s the story of gravedigger Guled and his family, who in times of misfortune, have to push themselves to the limits in order to find strength to reunite their family.

我们所有人 1


  For almost a decade Kenya has been targeted by terrorist attacks of the Al-Shabaab. Especially the border region between Kenya and Somalia is considered highly dangerous. An atmosphere of anxiety and mistrust between Muslims and Christians is growing. Until in December 2015, Muslim bus passengers showed that solidarity can prevail.

阿萨德 2


  A coming of age fable of a Somali boy as he struggles to survive in his war-torn land.

美丽坏东西 2


  • 已完结
  • 2002  

  欧文(切瓦特·埃加福特 Chiwetel Ejiofor 饰)本该过着平淡而宁静的生活,无奈他非法移民的身份让他遇上了**烦。一次意外中,欧文莫名其妙的成为了警方追捕的对象,无奈之下,他只得放弃了安稳的工作,前往英国避难。在那里,欧文住进了一间四处都散发出腐败气息的小旅馆,并在那里找到了一份旅馆午夜守门人的工作,风浪眼看这就要平息,这时,一个秘密的出现让欧文寝食难安。
  在修缮厕所管道的时候,欧文无意中触动了暗藏在其中的机关,一个肮脏的,充满了血腥的世界展现在了欧文的眼前。原来,表面上是旅馆老板的斯尼基(塞吉·洛佩兹 Sergi López 饰)实际上是一位贩卖人体器官的罪犯,而当斯尼基得知欧文撞破了他的秘密后,危险和威胁随之而来。

天空之眼 6


  • 已完结
  • 2015  

  凯瑟琳上校(海伦·米伦 Helen Mirren 饰)率英国情报单位追捕一名女性恐怖分子长达六年,经由美军加入高空监视行动,好不容易在秘密基地找到疑似她的身影,特种部队准备活捉她时,高空侦查人员却意外发现该名恐怖分子正与其他人密谋自杀炸弹攻击,为了防止伤害,凯瑟琳下令轰炸秘密基地将敌人歼灭。当无人战斗机的驾驶员史蒂夫(亚伦·保尔 Aaron Paul 饰)瞄准目标后,却发现这个“秘密基地”竟然是普通的民居,而一名女孩更是跑进他的攻击范围玩耍,原本单纯的跨国逮捕行动瞬间变成复杂难解的反恐任务……

Abdul&Hamza 5


  Abdul and Hamza are hiding in the mountains on Serbo-Romanian border. Armed with a GPS, they are preparing their escape. Lots of expectation, living day-by-day together in an abandoned house. They exchange confidences about their families back in Somalia. Their discrete presence haunts the sequences in which at first they seem absent. Local tour guide talks about a castle nearb...

船长和他的海盗 4


  In 2009, the German container ship "Hansa Stavangar" had been seized by Somali pirates for four months. After its release, magazine covers showed a captain happy to have escaped the barbarian terror. This film shows the deeper layers, the invisible story behind the headlines, recounted from two protagonists' points of view: The pirate leader, Ahado, an eloquent, intelligent you...