"高棉语" 共找到影视: 69 部
Bophana:一个柬埔寨的悲剧 4


  影片以柬埔寨红色高棉政权时期的逼供行为记录文件为题材,再现了一个少女Hout Bophana和一名高棉干部Ly Sitha之间的关系故事。两人初次认识时正值金边沦陷。Sitha对龙诺政权的腐败感到厌恶,于是加入到红色高棉抵抗运动,两人由此分离。当金边的居民被迫离开之后,两人重新聚首,结果却遭遇种族灭绝大清洗计划,两人被捕其后送往S21监狱,在那里他们遭受严刑拷打和刑讯逼供,之后在1976年被处决。

过期 6


人蛇情仇 1


  导演:Tea Lim Koun(张林君)
  编剧:Tia Lim Kun、Winai Kaewbutr
  制片:Arthaporn Raya(陈逸龙)
  主演:Chea Yuthorn、Dy Saveth、Aranya Namwong
  发行:Siam Film Development
  制片厂:Bangkok Studio、Winson(香港潤程)

时钟:精神觉醒 7


  In the year of 1940, the song Gloomy Sunday was known as the ******* song as many *******s recorded were related to it. Listening to this song has led to a French lady committing ******* as well after the death of her boyfriend, a clock engineer at that time. Her soul was not at peace and it returned with the purpose of fulfilling the desires of other victims of depression. Che...

一万次后悔 3


  住在乡下、在金边开出租车的古松(关山云饰)因一次意外邂逅了女扮男装的贫穷少女那薇(Vicharadany饰),二人都很穷,但他们对生活乐观。虽然家里有个生病的父亲,古松还是决定去越南参军打仗,以挣钱为自己和那薇修建一座新房子,过上幸福富足的日子。不成想古松在战场上负伤,老父亲也在家中去世,那薇遇到了曾经帮助过她和母亲的年轻公务员提里(Lim Sophan)并被后者收留。古松从战场归来,看着空无一人的家里,发觉那薇已与他人相好,他悲伤万分,决定作出行动......

Lechemin 6


NewQueerVisions:LustinTranslation 3


  A compilation of short films exploring first love, revenge, new beginnings and more are unwrapped in the first of this exciting series of compilations, programmed by the New Queer Visions Film Festival strand.

FacingGenocide:KhieuSamphanandPolPot 1


  The film Facing Genocide is a search into the personality of Khieu Samphan. He was the Head of state of one of the most brutal regimes ever, the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. We have followed him one and half year before his arrest in 2007. He is soon facing a trial and is charged with Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes and Genocide. The film gives insight into his mindset, his lif...

龙在他乡 9


  Dragon Boys features one of the most star-studded casts ever assembled for a Canadian mini-series: Byron Mann, Steph Song, Tzi Ma, Lawrence Chou and Eric Tsang star in this extraordinary human drama.
  Tommy Jiang (BYRON MANN ) is a tough, smart detective on the RCMP Asian Gang Squad, a rising star whose career success stands in stark contrast to strains and tensions in his perso...

反恐特勤组 3


  • 已更新至16集
  • 2003  

  美国全新电视剧《反恐特勤组》(Threat Matrix)真实反映了调查“9·11”事件主使人本·拉登的机密单位的工作情况, 该剧被各国反恐组织列为观摩片。
  全新电视剧《反恐特勤组》即是真实反映这一机密组织工作情况的剧集,这部戏集结了《24小时》的反恐情节与《CSI犯罪现场》的科学办案过程,紧张火爆的动作场面非常逼真。从该剧中可以知道,这个名为“Threat Matrix”的小组在美国成立大约5年,主要工作就是每天早上8:00要提供一份反恐报告书给白宫的国家安全人员、FBI、CIA、五角大楼...

杜赫:炼狱魔王 3


  Sous le régime Khmer rouge, Kaing Guek Eav, dit Duch, a dirigé la prison M13 pendant 4 ans, avant d'être nommé à la tête du S21, la terrifiante machine à éliminer les opposants au pouvoir en place. Quelque 12280 Cambodgiens y trouvèrent la mort. En juillet 2010, Duch fut le premier dirigeant Khmer à comparatre devant une cour de justice pénale internationale, qui le condamna à...

BlindBody 8


  Allison Chhorn paints a moving portrait of her grand-mother Kim Nay, exiled in Australia. When memories of the past spring up, she speaks of the harshness of labour in her youth and the experience of the Cambodian genocide. Filmed as close as possible to her body, Blind Body evokes the sensorial universe of Kim Nay, who is partially blind.

党要我们在一起 2



BongThom 4


  Since the Civil War, the population of Cambodia has been tormented by the fact that there are still lots of mines hidden in the terrain. One of those affected is Heng, who when he was six years old found an exciting object by the side of the road, which then exploded in his hands. He survived but received lifelong trauma. Ten years later, his smallholder family worries about He...