"Wolof" 共找到影视: 22 部
PiccMi 10


  Madou is a talibé, a child whose education is entrusted to a marabout. He has to earn his living by begging in the streets. In town, Madou meets Ablaye, a young boy who lives with his father in a garbage dump. Together they forget for a while the harsh realities of their daily lives.
  PICC MI is "little bird" in the Wolof language, which signifies the childrens' desire to escap...

Unamourd'enfant 1


Ainsimeurentlesanges 9


疯狂之后剩下什么 10


  Joris Lachaise takes us to Thiaroye, in a suburb near Dakar, to enter the psychiatric hospital accompanied by writer and filmmaker Khady Sylla who has been admitted there several times. She meets up with her doctor, familiar patients and others with whom she discusses the delicate issue of therapeutic methods and their link with colonialism. The project is clearly ambitious, it...

TurnItLoose 6


  In September 2007, 16 of the world’s best B-Boys battle one on one in a disused power station in the heart of Soweto, South Africa, to determine who will be the next world champion.
  From backstage at the Red Bull BC One in Soweto, to the backstreets of Senegal, Japan, Algeria, America, France and Brazil, TURN IT LOOSE combines human drama with the visual intensity of the dance,...

7915公里 7


  A motor-sports spectacle that kicks up plenty of dust. On the trail of the 2007 Dakar Rallye ‘7915 KM’ undertakes a search, along the way encountering the variety to be found in Africa’s present in Morocco, Sahrawi Republic, Mauritania, Mali and Senegal. ‘7915 KM’ demonstrates the extent of this distance, which is the result of political and economic conditions, and also the id...

SaintLouisBlues 2


  This sweet musical takes us on a cross-country trip through Senegal, from Dakar to Saint Louis in a battered taxi, as passengers sing their stories.

不安之城 2


Contras'City 5


  The satirical documentary Contras' City (which stands for Contrast City) was shot on 16mm in 1968. It is one of the earliest African comic movie and an urban planning analysis of the “two Dakars”. It is considered the first African comedy. It is a satire on Dakar - a city in which styles and cultures are blended in a cosmopolitan small area. Mambety manipulates the classic docu...

尤索·恩多:我带来我所爱 6


  这部影片是塞内加尔著名歌星尤索·恩多于2004年在埃及发行专辑后拍摄的,表达了他对苏菲派穆斯林虔诚的信仰,这张专辑被他故乡的人们视为亵渎神灵而拒绝接受,但是他因这张专辑获得了第一座格莱美奖杯。美国著名乐评杂志《滚石》是这样评价他的:“如果有哪位来自第三世界的艺人在全球影响力上能和Bob Marley(鲍伯·马里)相提并论的话,那只有尤索·恩多。他的嗓音独特,古老非洲的历史似乎都凝结在他的声线之中。”

BacktoAfrica 3


Tauw 1


Billoilgranddakhaar 3


AllThataWomanCanDo 2
