"silent" 共找到影视: 73 部
莫扎特的生命、爱情与苦难 5


  奥地利人首次拍摄有关莫扎特的故事。40 min fragments of film was restored in 2006 by Filmarchiv in Vienna from surviving materials in filmmuseum in Rome.

èpiccerella 9


TheChartresSeries 8


  color, 16mm, 9mins

1968革命风暴 9


  巴西电影大师Glauber Rocha在1968年拍摄的圣保罗街头大游行,青年人的反抗独裁暴乱,导致了上百的人死伤,当时作为导演兼新闻记者的罗查与好友巴西著名摄影师Affonso Beato走上街头,用16mm摄影机记录下了那令人震撼的时刻,影片并没有录制声音.

史前家畜 8



R.F.D.10,000B.C. 2



明け行く空 7


  Akeyuku Sora (明け行く空) is a 1929 black and white Japanese silent film with benshi accompaniment directed by Torajiro Saito. A melodrama about an orphan and her mother who are separated and lose contact, but are later reunited; it provides the viewer with a universal theme woven into the plot.

不坏的白珠 2


  This resolution recurs in several of Hiroshi Shimizu's silent films, of which Eternal Heart (Fuei no Shiratama, 1929) was shown at Pordenone. This film examines different aspects of modernity through the personalities of two sisters. The elder is in love with Mr Narita, but he marries the younger, only to find that she neglects him and spends her time attending ...

飞行马戏团 7


直觉 8


  Carmen is happy. She is in love with Carlos, a young man filled with optimism, the exact opposite of his taciturn and tormented friend Leon. On Carlos’ advice, Leon pays a visit to Professor Kamus, whose invention reveals the truth about beings and things. This invention is none other than the cinema, which he presents as a sixth sense. From then on, an unfortunate misunderstan...

** 6


  A Chinese opium dealer takes revenge on Westerners who have corrupted his wife.

怪物陈列室 10


  • 已完结
  • 1924  

  Married carnival performers are subjected to the abuses of their employer in this silent film gem that has not received as much attention as it deserves. When the boss' unwanted advances on the wife are refused, he taunts a lion until it nearly kills her. But the other performers assist in a unique plot for revenge. Jaque Catelain directs and stars in this film made for influen...

神圣的女人 4


  [For 9 minute surviving fragment] Lucian, a soldier in Paris, is to ship out for Algiers at 9 that evening. He stops by for a last meal with his love, Marianne. He may be worried that when he leaves she will find another soldier to love. They argue then embrace and, when the clock strikes midnight, he is still in her arms. Is desertion in the cards Can the relationship survive...