"silent" 共找到影视: 73 部
慈悲心鸟 3


平库斯鞋店 7


销魂 5


活尸 8


  The Living Corpse (Zhivoy trup)
  (Country: Germany, Soviet Union; Director: Fyodor Otsep; Writer: Boris Gusman, Anatoli Marienhof, Fyodor Otsep, Leo Tolstoy; Cast: Vsevolod Pudovkin, Maria Jacobini, Viola Garden, Julia Serda, Nato Vachnadze, Gustav Diessl, Vera Maretskaya, Dmitri Vvedensky, Vladimir Uralsky, Boris Barnet)
  Late-silent ...

Elúltimocentauro-LaepopeyadelgauchoJuanMoreira 8


  This film, the first version of the Juan Moreira story by Eduardo Gutiérrez (second filmed in 1973), exist. But it is not going to show up anywhere and neither Kino, Image, Milestone or anyone of those companies would ever bother to make it available.
  In the meantime, I want to share with you this obscure theme that I found almost by accident in Buenos Aires. This score is from...

SorbetIII 9


  6 min
  one of Zwartjes's first films
  displays the strong influence of the New American Cinema he so admired
  It examines the interplay between the restless eye of the camera and the equally neurotic actions of the cross-dressing protagonist, Lodewijk de Boer.

IncoherenciadelColor 8


BandabatkiKnysha 5


  Time and scene of action - civil war, small city of a front strip just released by Red Army. But in the city and its vicinities white gangs at support of former officials and local clergy still conduct blasting work. The disguised security officers under a type of gang Knysh rush into city and, "to convert" white, provoke "soyuznichkov" to the open joint actions.
  Silent film se...

PortretDoryanaGreya 2


卡依娜-孤岛与陆地 5


  A young, strong-willed girl called Cainà, tired of the small village life and its narrow-minded mentality, decides to leave the island and secretly boards a ship directed to Italy (or 'the continent,' as people from Sardinia commonly call it) and hides in the hold. Her escape unfortunately ends soon, when the captain finds her. Meanwhile Cainà's father, in an attempt to find hi...

StatueofLiberty 9


  The Statue of Liberty is seen in New York Harbor in 1898, filmed by the Edison Film Manufacturing Company.