"沃尔夫冈·贝克" 共找到影视: 11 部
刘别谦在柏林 9


  In Ernst Lubitsch in Berlin, the first-ever feature documentary on the inventor of the "Lubitsch Touch", Lubitsch's daughter Nicola guides us through her father's exciting time in Germany, supported by an illustrious group of film historians, Lubitsch experts and some of today's most influential German film directors. Rare film clips, newly discovered photographs, newsreel foot...

Riviera-Story 8


HotelRoyal 3


欢迎来到圣保罗 9


  The city of So Paulo, as seen through the lenses of 13 directors.

导演之夜 4


  A series of interviews with living filmmakers about German film history.`Night of the filmmakers' (1994, 52 mins., English commentary) directed by Edgar Reitz, was produced for BFI TV by Edgar Reitz Filmproduktions in association with ZDF, Arte and Premiere. Brings together an imaginary assembly of German filmmakers to explore German cinema of all periods. Contributors include ...

拜见希特勒 4


  二战末期,德国节节败退,德国国内人心惶惶,希特勒忧心忡忡。宣传部长戈培尔还没有放弃希望,想尽一切方法试图重新鼓舞德国人的士气。于是他找来了一个犹太演员,Adolf Grünbaum(赫尔基·施楚奈德 Helge Schneider饰),让他来扮演希特勒,在一个大型集会上面向全国人民进行演讲。于是演员Adolf开始了他模仿希特勒的表演生活,同时,他也想伺机寻找机会杀掉希特勒,为他的犹太同胞们复仇。在他与希特勒的接触中,他了解到这个高高在上的纳粹首领许多心理的阴暗面,许多不为人知的奇怪习惯,而且都和希特勒童年的经历有关。在一次次暗杀计划失败后,演员Adolf该如何是好,在本片中,观众们也将了解到希特勒身上许多秘密的一面,是真是假,观众也只能自己去判断了。

Ballero 6


  5min short film

我与卡明斯基 7


  康明斯基(加斯帕·克里斯滕森 Jesper Christensen 饰)是名震画坛的传奇画家,然而,随着年龄的增长,渐渐老去的他选择隐姓埋名离群索居,渐渐地,人们忘却了他的姓名。塞巴斯蒂安(丹尼尔·布鲁赫 Daniel Brühl 饰)是一位极度渴望成名的艺术评论家,他决定通过撰写康明斯基的传记来替自己挣一个好前程,内心里的算盘早已经打好。

生活是你的所有 10


  Jan Nebel`s life is quite depressing and just a streak of bad luck. His former girlfriend tells him that she is HIV positive, his sister is married to a disgusting idiot and his father dies with his head on a plate of noodles. Above all, he gets into a street riot between anarchists and the police on the way to his job at a slaughterhouse. Thus, he is fired, but gets to know th...

再见列宁 10


  • 电影解说
  • 2003  

  克里斯蒂娜(凯萨琳·萨斯 Kathrin Sass 饰)衷心拥护着社会主义东德,她的丈夫已经逃往西德,剩下她一人抚养一对儿女阿丽安娜(玛丽亚·西蒙 Maria Simon 饰)和阿历克斯(丹尼尔·布鲁赫 Daniel Brühl 饰)。1989年,阿历克斯上街游行被捕,母亲目睹了这一幕,心脏病发晕倒过去,不省人事了好一段时间。 当她醒来,她熟悉的国家已经改变——柏林墙推倒,民主德国的社会主义也随之瓦解。