"劳尔·鲁伊斯" 共找到影视: 86 部
但丁TV版——地狱 6


  • 最新更新
  • 1990  

  A TV Dante, produced by Britain’s Channel Four during the 1980s and aired in Britain in 1990, presents the first eight cantos of the Inferno.
  Co-directed by Peter Greenaway and Tom Phillips. Phillips, a composer, artist and critic, is perhaps best known for his interest in the art of the page. His 1983 translation of the Inferno is used for the production. (The rest of the Infe...

沙地写真 10




  This fi lm was made during Ruiz’s time as fi lm commissar of Unidad Popular, the union of centre-left parties that ruled Chile with Salvador Allende between 1970 and 1973. It was fi lmed on 28 March 1971 during the large peasant march in Temuco organised to celebrate the law “protecting” the Mapuche Indio people which gave them full citizenship with all the relative rights. Wha...

本质的区分 2


  Un essai réalisé pour la télévision où Ruiz essaie de voir le chateau de Chambord sous différentes pers- pectives idéologiques

乡村岁月 5



AmeliaLópesO'Neill 5


要去做什么! 3


  A Brechtian mix of political fiction, real-life footage and Country Joe McDonald music. In Chile in 1970, a young woman Peace Corps worker becomes involved with a mysterious American 'businessman' and a local revolutionary.

金船 3


  The Golden Boat is inspired by American police series, mixed with Mexican soap operas, and immersed in the artistic context of the Underground Art scene of the early 1990s of New York. In the street, a young student of philosophy and criticism at The Village Voice, Israel Williams, meets Austin, an old man hurt and desperately in love with a soap opera star. Although he was sta...

流亡者们的对话 4


  智利导演Raoul Ruiz上世纪70年代在法国拍摄的一部实验纪录片,找来一群与自己命运相同的智利流亡艺术家和政治家搞座谈会,有点当年戈达拍《中国姑娘》时期的叛逆感觉,结合了故事与记录手法,其中某某人的谈话很有意思。
  The best school for dialectics is emigration. The most penetrating dialecticians are exiles. There are changes that have forced them into exile, and they are interested only in changes. From minute signs they deduce the most f...

强力之魂 7


  At a wake one night in 1945, a group of aged women recall the life of one of their number. Sixty years before, Thérèse was barely 20 years old when she eloped with her boyfriend, Firmin, a blacksmith, to Chatillon, a town in Provence. Here, she makes the acquaintance of the wealthy Madame Numance, who is known for her good deeds. Realising that Thérèse is pregnant and unemploye...

Régimesanspain 7


小说手稿 9



逃逸点 2


Larectaprovincia 8


  La Recta provincia est une sorte de secte conduite par des sorcières sur la plus grande le d'Amérique su Sud, berceau des mythes fondateurs de la culture chilienne.
  Postproduction de la version cinématographique par la Cinémathèque franaise avec le soutien du Conseil national de la Culture et des Arts du Chili.