"劳尔·鲁伊斯" 共找到影视: 86 部
让·米奥特 7


  The working process of abstract painter Jean Miotte is observed in great detail in director Raoul Ruiz's unconventional documentary.

Epistolar 1


觉醒阿尔玛桥 10


  Two insomniacs,a peeping tom teacher and a hunch-backed boxer,meet one night on the Alma bridge.They watch a couple who takes a walk on the banks of the Seine:the woman is pregnant.Some time later ,they meet up with her again and rape her.She commits *******.Both criminals abuse other victims ,including a doctor's patient.This physician was their first victim's husband. (IMDB)

生活如梦 1


  A baroque mix of revolutionary politics, pop culture, and semiotics, loosely based on the play by Pedro Calderon de la Barca. A young prince learns that life is just a dream from which we wake when we die, and that dreams may be as real as life. Written by International Film Circuit <ifcplanet@aol.com>

秘境里斯本 2


  • 已完结
  • 2010  

  十四岁的约翰从小就生长在修道院中,没有亲人,亦没有过去。一天,一位神秘的妇人安吉拉(玛利亚·若奥·巴斯托斯 Maria Joo Bastos 饰)找到了约翰,声称自己是他的亲生母亲,并且向约翰讲述了她曾经的故事。
  安吉拉是侯爵的女儿,她和伯爵之子席尔瓦(何塞·阿方索·皮蒙特尔 José Afonso Pimentel 饰)相爱,遭到了父亲的强烈反对。然而,叛逆的安吉拉并没有屈服,她腹中怀着席尔瓦的孩子,决定与其私奔。暴怒的侯爵派出杀手刺杀席尔瓦,甚至连安吉拉腹中的胎儿也不放过,幸运的是,安吉拉得到了一位神父和令一位神秘人的帮助,约翰才得以长大。成年之后,约翰来到巴黎,遇见了一位贵妇,他答应帮助贵妇找到杀死她哥哥的凶手,让约翰没有想到的是,这名凶手竟然正是当初帮助过他和他母亲的神秘人。

漫游肥皂剧 7


  这部电影围绕肥皂剧的概念展开。 它的结构基于这样的假设:智利的现实不存在,而是肥皂剧的合奏。

智利狂想曲 4


  This is the first in a series of seven projected video essays (four of which were completed) that Ruiz was commissioned to make in 2002 -2003 for use among Chilean community organizations and broadcast on public television. Thanks go to yogiyamada for providing a rip from a superior source to the MPEG available on-line (see below). Cofralandes, the head-title for each of the se...

每个人都有他自己的电影 4


  • 已完结
  • 2007  

  本片由35位知名导演,为庆祝戛纳电影节六十周年而拍摄的三分钟短片组成。细心的你会发现,在此短篇集中不仅有众多知名演员的参演,更有著名导演的客串演出。这短暂的三分钟光影,不仅浓缩了精妙的生活片段,更有每位导演对电影、对人生的深刻体悟。 或温情或冷峻或真实或迷幻,人生何止五味,《每个人都有他自己的电影》如是说,你的呢?

被窃油画的假设 9


  • 已完结
  • 1979  

  Two narrators, one seen and one unseen, discuss possible connections between a series of paintings. The on-screen narrator walks through three-dimensional reproductions of each painting, featuring real people, sometimes moving, in an effort to explain the series' significance.

失去的土地 6


  Set in 1973 during the coup d'etat in Chile, Max recalls his encounters in London during Worl War II with French aviator Antoine, a childhood hero he first met in his native country one morning in 1932 and who initiated him to the wonders of aviation.

情欲克林姆 2


  在十九世纪末的奥地利,克林姆(约翰马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)是一位特立独行、创新大胆的画家,他是奥地利“维也纳分离画派”的奠基人。克林姆对性和女性的裸体之美做出了大胆的描绘,对于外界的质疑和争议报以强烈的讽刺和不屑态度。在1900年的巴黎博览会上,他的画作被当时的文艺界所肯定。因一部电影,克林姆爱上了女演员莱雅,后被莱雅邀请去做客。不久家中老仆的女儿向他诉说爱意,并告诉他曾怀过他的孩子。而另外一位女伴米缇也对克林姆欣赏有加。爱慕克林姆的女人很多,她们是他的模特、情人,而正因为如此,才促使他在艺术上毫无顾忌的追求和创作。

犯罪家谱 4


  索罗姬(凯瑟琳·德纳芙 Catherine Deneuve 饰)刚刚失去了自己的儿子,与此同时,她亦结下了一个案子,成为了一个名为雷内(梅尔维尔·珀波 Melvil Poupaud 饰)的年轻人的辩护律师,雷内被控告谋杀了他的姑妈珍妮(凯瑟琳·德纳芙 Catherine Deneuve 饰)。
  在分析了种种的线索之后,索罗姬坚信雷内是无罪的,在索罗姬的不懈努力之下,雷内终于获得了无罪宣判。神秘的精神病医生的出现让这宗案件再度隐入了迷雾之中,乔治(米歇尔·皮寇利 Michel Piccoli 饰)和克里斯蒂(安德烈·瑟韦林 Andrzej Seweryn 饰)亦认为这宗案件并没有就此结束。当一切的秘密都逐渐被呈现在众人面前时,索罗姬是否能够意识到,自己被卷入了一个阴谋之中。

三只惨老虎 7


  This movie is the best portrait of Chilean society. Ruiz show us like a group of little people with little problems, with a very special way of life. The strangest Spanish in all South American with the funniest accent too. This movie is like Martin Scorsese's Mean Street but without the crime ingredient. You must see it if you wanna know what's to be a Chilean, how you can fee...

梦中爱痴缠 2
